Separate names with a comma.
I agree that if you want to be green and have the good gas mileage the Prius is the one. Even with the much lower gas prices the car is still a...
While I hail your individuality, I also wonder if you have taken to heart Shatner's advice to all "Trekkies" to get a life outside of Star Trek....
I like the idea that I'm not killing the environment with this car. And I like a nice ride too, because our other car is an Infiniti. But this...
I'd never buy a cat from toyota....:cheer2:
GM could have engineered cars like the Prius. They had Electric cars in the past and got rid of them because of their back door deals with the...
I'd say ask a low price and I'd buy it, but the retro-fit for California would be outrageous!
My husband, who is so lucky to get to drive the Menace, is convinced she is a she. I am too, because she acts up for me and doesn't for him. I...
He doesn't even bother to read their damned email. I've been emailing weekly since he decided to screw over state workers because the legislature...
Trucks do serve a valuable purpose if you need one. And at 50% off, it's definitely time to buy. If I owned a farm or needed to haul lots of...
Reagan had negotiated with the Iranians before the election, to get them to keep the crisis going until after so he would look like a hero. Just...
No, hubby gets to drive the Prius. I drive an Infiniti I30 and that takes the premium.
It's not dropping fast enough in California. It's still $4.29 per gallon out here for premium.
I actually thought that line was funny, and I'm female. Im not a "hot wife" but I do understand that there are costs involved with having me...
Sadly, I don't think GM does know that- their commercials still don't address their issues, they are just more lies about how "gas conscious"...
I second that comment. what a total tool.
I guess I am behind the times... I don't understand the need for a "thread of the month" or even a "poster of the month". I hope I don't get...
Oh Qua Tangin Wan! Riley Martin is a man I first heard about while listening to Howard Stern. Riley believes in aliens, and says he's been...
OK, this will probably get me flamed pretty badly but I was on the edge to buy a Prius ($1000 below invoice in Feb) but I decided against it. Not...
I would never recommend a hyundai, I don't care how little it costs. What about a Smart Car? Is there a dealer in your area? Or what about a...
I like your avatar. Did not know there were other Riley Martin fans on the board. :third: