Separate names with a comma.
Or hook it up to an abs reader and check speed on sensors while driving
Bad wheel bearing
Just keep bending until no more noise when ice kicks in
Loose hinge?
A battery that old needs to be replaced
Did you clean the egr valve only or cooler too?
If it runs fine I wouldn’t mess with it
I would take pump out and inspect it and replace the thermostat
Just buy a kit where you don’t have to splice
Once the car overheats anything is possible
Egr circuit needs cleaning and oil can installed
Sounds like your hatch isn’t closed all the way
With check engine light on
Just spray paint it
Oxygen sensors are big money makers
Yo cycle the pump
Just zip tie it
Probably got air in your cooling system
I would leave it alone since it’s just a small dent
Better clean before engine blows