Separate names with a comma.
If we go downhill in EV mode the battery will be charged also. Does the battery charge more in Charge mode than in EV mode going downhill? I...
Thanks I was wondering about that also.
I am just getting into owning a plug in so not sure how it will work out . I will guess 20 to 25 days a month. I do have other vehicles that get...
Charging at $.24/KWH makes no economic sense whatsoever. But it is kind of fun to drive around in an electric car.
We can't change how we run everything. Besides the car I can run the dishwasher after 11pm, I was doing both of those already. For me I think...
Mike I wrote this same information on a conversation but seeing as how it is now the topic I will copy it here. Before I signed up for the PG&E...
I use PG&E also and changed to their EV time of day plan. I think that I made a mistake. It reduced the off peak rate to about half but the peak...
I am still confused about the B mode on the transmission selector. What I thought was when in the B mode the engine was allowed to be turned by...
I thought the engine braking only came on with the shift selector was in the B mode.
I have a hard time telling when the battery and its different parts are fully charged. I have taken my car with a fully charged EV section of the...
HSI = Hybrid System Indicator. Do I look at the bar nearing the bottom of the arc and leave a little space so the friction brakes don't come on?
How can I tell when I went from regen to friction brakes while using the pedal?
I was looking at the driver side windshield wiper, it is huge. Unusual design too. Any reports on how it does in snow and ice? I does look like...
Toyo Nano Energy.
Any opinions on the Prime in the snow? If I remember correctly the Prime is a little more balanced front to rear compared to earlier Prius. I am...
I how do I find what year and model has the same size and bolt pattern? Do all 15 inch Prius wheels fit the primes?
Thanks for the info. You bring up another question I have: does the engine start from a normal 12 volt starter or does it use the electric...
What happens when the battery is being charged during normal driving in HV mode after being cold soaked in below freezing temperatures?
I wasn't impressed with the fit of the Weather Tech mats I bought for another vehicle. I am guessing the Toyota ones will fit very well. I...