Separate names with a comma.
I would have to agree with CR, to a certain extent. I have bought nothing but Toyota vehicles since 1990 and with the exception of an '07 Camry...
Asking questions on this forum is part of the "7 P's". It helps to have a little extra "ammo" when dealing with a car dealer.
Just wondering if there is an explanation somewhere of how a low battery can affect MPGs? Not disputing it or anything, just curious....
In reference to post #1 here...
I didn't see a download link (I could have overlooked it). Do you have to contact to seller for that?
Might want to call a Toyota dealer and see if they would be willing to check it out. It might be worth spending a little money to find out that...
I find that "most" of the well known names are ok - Shell, Exxon, even Murphy, dare I say BP. But it seems that the rattiest looking stations...
My prediction is that by 2020 they won't even be able to give gas away. Somebody somewhere in the next few years is going to come up with...
I have not been able to locate one yet. Where did you get yours?
Why pay to go to the carnival? You can see all the freaks you want at walmart...
I was chubby when I was younger :eek:
I ordered the copy from eBay a week or so ago. So far, there has been no word from the seller. I am beginning to smell a scam here. But at...
Nearly every car I have had since the mid '90s has given me a shock. I finally figured out that it has to do with my shoes. If I wear hard-sole...
I would check to make sure the emergency brake is not depressed any. I had a Camry that had something similar going on. Turns out the emergency...
When I was growing up in the '70s, my parents had a full set of naugahyde covered furniture. I guess it was ok for a family with a kid that was...
Maybe tribbles are what shag carpet is made of? They look kinda shaggy and ratty at the same time, just like shag carpet.:D
I always wondered what animal naugahyde comes from. I thought the little naugas were cute and everything. Boy was I wrong! They aint little or...
I suppose I should have entered this information also.... I replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter, spark plugs, plug wires, air filter, had the oil...
Well, if I am going to spend a lot of money on a car, I would not want to put just anything in the engine. What good is a car if it won't "go"?...
I have a '91 Toyota truck that I bought new in '90. It has been a great little truck and has given me basically no trouble until the past few...