Separate names with a comma.
Sonny Jim, I don't usually post silly things like ROFL and the like, but your video (hadn't seen it before) actually had tears streaming down my...
Uuuum okay. Where to start? Last time I checked we are at war with Iraq (HJ Res 114). My issue in posting this was to draw attention and shame to...
I would have to disagree with you. It is a very big deal when we in this country treat those that provide us with freedom this way. The Marines...
Searched but could turn up anything on here. Has anyone else here been following the developements coming out of berkely the past coupla days...?...
Hey winston, I am on your side one this one, just didn't have the conjones to start a new thread about it. I have mentioned that I have a large,...
May his noodly appendage forever touch and bless you for spreading His word. Great post. Now bring on the beer volcano and stripper factory!!!!!!!
Also Happy birthday to Mr Einstein. Wherever or whenever he may be...
Just an idea, used to drive a "parking lot" (car carrier). Ask the company that you contacted about moving the vehicle in the open carrier what...
See, I told ya....:cool:
Re: Member Picture Thread Ok, I'll play, but just so you know, I will probably kill the thread. Seems like every time I post, a thread...
Congrats on the car (your gonna love it), look for my spectra blue mica one in and around town. My wife travels there on business quite...
Would love to second the recommendation for turtle wax ICE, cleans and shines everything, black shiny plastic, rough plastic, and great finish on...
This post should be referenced whenever anyone wonders about the "safety" of a prius. I happen to own a large dodge truck, and a prius, and was...
Ok already had some of these posted over in the newbie section, but had to toss them in here. This color was the deal breaker for the car, and the...
In the first pic if you look close you can see wood bits flying. The picture was taken about three hits into the door (yep I made a nice straight...
Yes, demo is a hoot. Even better is me smashing while someone else picks up the mess. I figured after the first reception I got (see above) that...
No problem. Have a great night.
I think sir that if you look at the forum that you are currently in, it is an off topic forum to discuss items NOT related to the prius, read the...
Ok just so you know we are remodeling our kitchen. This wasn't just wanton destruction. Only a few cute and or furry small woodland creatures were...
Where you just wanted to smash the world. Well me too. I decided to take my agression out on the nearest door. First you will see bashing it with...