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I'll bet you that that little black piece is a cover for the hole in the tray in the luggage compartment under the floor. The storage tray under...
Chaprius, Enjoy your new Prius. Great car. I too, use an aftermarket navagation aid, a Garmin Nuvi 200. I have placed the Garmin mounting disc...
Thank you RangerDavid. The airbag is a wonderful safety device, but can be very dangerous if not used properly. Most of us don't realize the...
I shudder to think that you are carrying your pet on the passenger seat next to you in your Prius or in any car/truck. You place the pet in great...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Sep 24 2007, 08:07 PM) 517159</div> Thank you Tideland and Jayman. That's exactly what I was looking for....
I think the standard headlights on my '06 are adjusted too high and I would like to adjust them down just a bit. Can an owner do this or is this...
Another "flaw" in highway design and layout is the placement of speed limit changes. Here in Mankato (southern Minnesota) on a major highway there...
I'm an 55 plus defensive driving class instructor, the class when after you take it you get a 10% reduction in your car insurance premiums, and...
Go with your Prius and enjoy the trip. We have been traveling with our '06 in southern Colorado and recently went over the pass on 160 north of...
I'd like to add another view of the twitchy steering-needs an alignment discussion. I, too, had that "seems to wander all over the road" concern...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dulcimer @ Jul 28 2006, 07:52 PM) 294083</div> You do know that the red panic button must be held down for, I...
Well, I know a whole lot more than I need to know about the ASL and eewwweeh, that Arkansas thing...........but I'm still not sure that I...
Yes, we would and yes, we did. We had an '04 and bought an '06 thanks to Mr. Bush's tax incentive. We love the '06 just as much aw we did the '04...
Well, thanks every one, especially 360guy. Now I'll be able to see how the ASL system works I continue to be impressed with what Toyota has...
:mellow: We have an '06 with the standard audio system which has the automatic sound leveling system. I have played with the adjustments it has,...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cheap! @ Jul 9 2006, 10:44 PM) 283628</div> No, the Prius is not E-85 compatible and reading the car's owners...
I, too, have an '06 after driving an '04 for 48,000 miles. traded only because of the $3150 Bush hybrid incentive. We found that the used car...
:mellow: We have just sold our '04 and have now about 2000 miles on an '06 ( mainly because of Bush's $3150 incentive)and am wondering if any one...
Actually, both my wife and I find the front seats just fine. We have just recieved an '06 after owning an '04 for about two years and are very...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PRomIthiUS @ May 3 2006, 03:58 PM) 249274</div> We depend on our sales rep to know when the car is due in. After we...