Separate names with a comma.
Prior toReset Shell: 2.78.10 OS: EN-PRIMA-ARM-SLC-V1.50 MCU: D65TPRH7-BH-T1-V9.00 After Reset Shell: 2.83.5 OS: EN-PRIMA-ARM-SLC-V1.42 MCU:...
Earlier this week I 'bricked' my unit by adding a new manager.exe file to it, a file I obviously did not edit right. This bad file prevented my...
Update to my last post. As mentioned I had a little 'snag' while editing my Manager.exe to display the correct radio RDS. What happened was, after...
I just used HxD (hex editor) and yes, it appears that most of the 'dialog' is either in Lang.dll or Manager.exe. While changing the radio station...
Zamboni2354, Here is a Lang.dll with the corrected spelling of 'Dialed'. On the subject of Bluetooth,...
Bit of new info (for me at least). The OttoNavi uses the UI designed by RoadRover (Manager.exe) I have installed a different UI (Rav4) into the...
Yeah, getting off the thread topic a bit here but, I also wondered what else could be run on this unit as even though I like it, could use some...
Dehhh, Love the new "Metro." Simply elegant!
Ok, Here are my first attempts at the home screen. Thanks again for all the hard work everyone is doing on this... Option 1: [IMG] Link to image...
Dang, Need one more post before the forum will allow URLS in my posts :)
Dylanjones37, I can't thank you enough for the photos you provided of your installation. The were a total time saver and my install went perfect!...
Thanks for the home page template Clayfree. It's very helpful.
Art, testing, I'm game for anything. I am pretty handy with PhotoShop (I'm no Clayfree) but I know there are many screens to work out. You...
Excellent work going on here guys, really impressive! I was looking at a new HU and stumbled upon the "My OttoNavi Experience" thread and after...