Separate names with a comma.
I have had issues the OP has posted on with gen 2 Prius, basically a drop in mileage while simultaneously having a battery pack fail and replace....
Does anyone have a recommendation for an iOS app that can read diagnostics from the traction battery? I have an ELM327 OBD2 sensor, and would...
The Prius ECU simply doesn’t care. It follows the same W-hr discharge and charge capacity range no matter the ability to go beyond that.
2k1Toaster, can you comment on using a grid charger on this pack? Do you see any benefit?
If you search the forum you will find similar cases. Some need a new transaxle, some have a short in the HV batter. I have also heard of the AC...
Some dealers have technicians that have never installed one. When I tried to purchase a new one, I asked their staff for guidance on returning the...
This is a small measure, but that seems to be within specification. It's rather difficult to discern anything. Only time will tell if they hold...
Child labor laws are silly and outdated. [MEDIA]
For modules with equal capacity, yes. I think he is testing these at higher capacity, so the voltage drop may not be as comparable.
Yup. If you measure the resistance through each module you can also calculate the heat created. P=I^2*R
Is there an iphone alternative to the Torque app?
I've always wanted to power my HVAC with a Prius battery. :)
Anytime I read or hear the phrase Aluminum tube I immediately get a Dave Chapelle as President Bush flashback. Thanks.
Long story short, it was a refurb someone else bought and shipped for the dealer to install. They accidentally installed the new one for the...
I don't think you're a shill whatsoever, and I appreciate your advice. I wanted to confirm the batteries are new before install, trust or not.
Bought it over the counter. They were impressed enough that I brought the core to them and showed them the safety switch. The new one had an ECU...
I was very clear, I told them I had concerns that I would be out of their service area later and inquired whether or not I could still get the...
Texas hybrids is a different company
I did inquire about proof the modules were new and they only offered a video of "the" battery being assembled. Nothing was offered regarding date...