Separate names with a comma.
I have used the bluetooth in my 2010 and works okay. The quality in the car is somewhat scratchy and muffled and the person receiving says I talk...
15" Yokohama Avid S33 tires Doug, proud owner IV Red, Solar roof, bisque leather, NAV [ATTACH]
testing out the solar roof right now, here in Seattle its 70 degrees and I left the car with the fan on and it works great, same temperature...
Its a package 4, solar roof, Nav, Bisque leather[ATTACH]
Yokohama S33 Avids
I Love my barcelona red with tan interior. I have the Solar roof that adds the black top which looks GREAT![ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Picked it up today at Toyota of Seattle!!!:cheer2: Averaged 53.6 mpg driving around town-half freeway at 65-75 mph. Looking towards a...
Thanks, I found it at the PI online. guess I am happy that my 2010 will come in this thursday.
I will be picking up my Barcelona Red with bisque leather package 4 with sunroof etc on thursday in Seattle!! cannot wait!!!
I am trying to find this in SB 6170 but do not see it-can you link me to what you have found to verify?
Pure Rumor-Local dealer says that the new Hybrid Tax Law started on Jan 1 which waves the 9.8% sales tax on cars that get 40+ mpg, may end early...
I too am a 50 plus teenager that is all giddy about the 2010 and have driven the car-and Love everything about it.. I am a Prius priority buyer...
Test drove the 2010 Prius in San Francisco last weekend and sorry I did. I wanted to buy an 09 but now all I want is the 2010-with no looking...
Thats what I am looking for-was it a hard days work or did they go willingly. Would like to know what dealer. ( Did it include the $720 delivery fee?)
Gee, our additive in Seattle is 60 cents a gallon surcharge for our wonderfull mis-managed road tax. We are paying $1.89 a gallon-even California...
I have been looking all along the West Coast on Ebay, Craigslist and autotrader daily for 3 months looking at 2008 and 2009 Prius, and have found...
New newbie!! Planning to buy Touring package 3 in 2009. I notice that you are looking in Washington State to purchase a new car. Right now I am...