Separate names with a comma.
You will definitely want to pay attention to the Front/Rear Bias switch on the HVAC, new in Gen 4. When the light is lit, the car reduces air flow...
The maintenance reminder is hard-wired to come on 5,000 miles since it was last reset. It doesn't know whether you changed the oil or not the last...
I don't think Colorado cares whether you put the stickers on the top or bottom. On the standard plate, there is space at the bottom corners, but...
Has it been recently reset? That would reset the number of miles driven, which in turn would cause the avg mpg numbers to fluctuate "wildly" After...
1) Check YouTube for videos on the Hybrid Synergy Drive. 2) I believe there's a website with a simulator of the Power Split Device, where you can...
Whenever something new occurs immediately after any service, first and foremost suspect what was done as the likely cause. I can't remember what...
Looks like somebody put something behind the sun visor that bled/leaked onto the headliner. Have you looked behind the visor? Likely not rust. Try...
Is your HVAC on? The A/C compressor cycles at about that frequency
The Prius will not cool too well while parked or moving slowly. It needs good air flow over the condenser. Also make sure you're not in HVAC ECO...
Gen 4's use a different battery spec than Gen 2 or 3. Different chemistry and form factor. Oh, and different location. It's now under the hood.
The "electric motors" only charge the high voltage battery. Then the high voltage battery charges the 12V battery, but only when the car is in...
It's not the charger that I would worry about. We all know that the Gen 4 Prius has some sort of charge monitor on the negative terminal that...
I would be doing this in READY mode and Park. You also said you had a tender hooked up to the 12V, so I would disconnect that before going to...
What were you doing at the time this occurred? Was the car READY or just powering up? Were you shifting out of Park? Was the door open or closed?...
Or, it could be that the power assist in the Gen 4 just makes the steering "feel" a lot lighter than a Gen 2. It's been so long since we've had...
Isn't there a second 12V outlet in the back seat? Don't know that much about model Two.
Yes, my Prius tends to wear the inside edges too, fronts more than rears. Rotating tires regularly will help keep the wear balanced until you need...
Good reason to replace with the same spec battery.
Are you saying you have not read the odometer? It could be it is hidden by the Trip A, or B or just blank. You should have a TRIP button somewhere...