Separate names with a comma.
Seems like it. One of the poster was not able to separate it. And I think toyota instructs to replace condenser/dryer together.
Wow! that's great info. Thanks. Reading thru now. I read some suggestion of cleaning with mineral spirits, methanol, lacquer thinner, Isopropyl...
Yeah, I've been looking for an O-ring kit too. And schrader valve had crossed my mind, because the high side makes a hiss noise when I unscrew the...
Sounds good. Thanks
I had given that a serious thought. I will see what's involved and price a condenser out too. The funny thing is even though you can buy the drier...
Pricing the compressor on eBay. Not gonna do the dryer. Read it's very cumbersome and you have to replace the condenser as well. Will live and...
Appreciate that. I think a couple of other components are recommended too while replacing the compressor like Receiver Drier etc. Do you remember...
It makes sense. I will be doing all the work. Can you tell me what should I flush the lines with. I haven't been able to find that info anywhere....
Yes I hear the compressor making whining noise. And I know that it's not just the cooling fan. Because when I test the cooling fan it doesn't make...
So here are the new live snapshots. Hybrid Control Live and AC Live. My consumption in KW is lot less than yours. I am not sure what to make of...
Thanks. I will try to lookup mine tomorrow. Do you remember was the AC on at the time of this reading? If not can post a screen of the live data...
That makes a lot of sense. Because no matter what power its getting from the inverter, instructed by the amplifier, it should accept charge. I...
And you are absolutely correct of the amplifier's function. I might be mixing my readings. I have read so much in the past couple of weeks, it...
I'd appreciate whenever you can do it. Thanks.
But I can't stop scratching my head as to why it is showing me the static pressure of 90 PSI and why not the actual low and high pressure. And why...
Thanks Patrick, that's exactly what is going thru my mind. Found a used inverter on ebay last night for $150 which was taken out from a 2008 and...
That's what I read, the that inverter is responsible for what speed the compressor should run at depending on humidity and ambient temp and...
Thanks for doing this. But did you run the compressor test or just are looking at the live data by turning the ac on manually? When I run the...
Here are the photos. Clicked on post instead of add more earlier. No matter what I do, the last 3 photos are turning upside down. Sorry.
Here is the update. I'm still alive, apparently. Opened the inverter cover in hopes to find a slow-blow type of fuse and where the compressor...