Separate names with a comma.
So, if my MFD indicates I need 5.7 gallons (I guess I'll need to carry a calculator) I should have filled to that point instead of the one extra...
I have been tracking my 08 Touring mpg via spreadsheet since April. My question is actually in reference to the fuel bladder and mpg because I...
What generated your decision to trade in the Prius for a gas guzzler?
Just wondering if there are server problems again. :confused: The last couple of days this page will lock up to the point I have to close it and...
Response to SheepDog: According to, Internet petitions rarely work: Internet Petitions
Oops! Mucked up as I didn't check the oil level or the PSI (when I requested 42/40). Guess I'll be checking that tomorrow morning. BTW, first...
I started tracking late (I'm missing at least one gas receipt) but here is what I've got:
Here is an engineer's solution: [media]
Can't even see the clear bra but it is pricey. However, the LeBra and others like it require more maintenance (i.e. removing it at intervals,...
It was on Ebay with a winning sale (US $14,425.00): eBay Motors: Toyota : Prius (item 280228521977 end time May-26-08 08:54:50 PDT)& No...
Where do I sign up and what do I need to do?!!!!
Now that Hilary has conceded and a meeting was conducted between Obama and Hilary, who do you think he should pick as a running mate? My guess is...
Can we all agree to disagree. I think this post has gotten old.
I don't think the prosecution can prove murder 2 to the alleged imbecile supposedly watching a dvd while driving; they will lose unless they...
Note, the $$ tanked today :o as well!!!
yep! watched the same thing today and I was like UGG! :eek: I also watched the US $$$ tank as well.
I too use canvas bags and enjoy the "deer in the headlight" look when I pass them to the cashier. I even watched one cashier put my bags on the...
Let me guess, U don't drive even 1 mph over the speed limit? While I usually tend to use cruise control to maintain the proper speed limit, I...
I think I saw chris in the legal/moral thread (probably generated based on his crazy idea but for all those who think this is a great idea,...
I agree with the camera for blind spots although my husband uses FortheGlory's method. I never felt comfortable with that method; would rather...