Separate names with a comma.
Maybe he didn't hear the horn or it startled him to the point he hit the gas instead of the brake. I just had the same thing almost happen to me...
Could it be....satirical?
I got lucky to get a touring package 6 for the price of a mid-level package 6 at Courtesy Toyota in Brandon because I was willing to accept Silver...
Happened to my at MacDill AFB. I just kept pumping until I got at least near to the actual gallons needed. Took a long time but it is probably a...
Have you noticed another thread (recently) on same topic: RAZR V3 Auto Connect Problems
I have almost 9000 miles on my 08. Today I noticed nearly full green for over 20 minutes (driving 65 mph). Is this normal?
I've noticed many things about my tank fills. I usually pump at Sam's Club unless I'm travelling. If I don't pump beyond the first click, my...
I made a trip to Hilton Head Island from Tampa (800 miles round trip) and was lucky to average 45mpg round trip following the speed limit and with...
Did that to come up with my second post.
Just caught: Free Word Association Part Two: 10655 views/7643 replies.
I haven't actually done a study but when I saw: Word with 42050 views/3983 replies (7/15/08 6:25 pm EST) I had to wonder. Another interesting...
Check out some of the posts on YouTube for some of the videos referencing Hypermiling. I drive in the right lane (speed limit; cruise control) and...
Just uploaded mine. I'm getting slightly lower than shared data.
It's not just Iraq, it's OPEC which, BTW includes Venezuala.
My mpg didn't really improve until I got my first oil change (synthetic) and had them increase the nitrogen in my tires (42/40). Check your tire...
Yep, that was funny; especially since it showed a guy. Women usually get accused of the multi-tasking (putting on makeup, etc) during driving. I...
Didn't you know, according to 9/11 conspiracy theorists (check out YouTube) 9/11 was staged? LMAO
Wasn't the tin foil beanie on a recent episode of CSI? Maybe I just watch too much tv?
Wasn't the tv series Dark Angel set in a time following an EMP. Oh, and BTW: Iran missile test sends message to US, Israel - Yahoo! News
HomeandRanch; going super slow as in well under the speed limit? If driving WELL under the speed limit then U R impeding traffic and I can...