Separate names with a comma.
Suggestion: I would like to use threaded mode.
I was still able to upload a file (jpeg image) to the phone using the bluetooth file transfer protocol though... Still, yes, Verizon should be...
I tried to do exactly this with my G4 powerbook - and I failed. Spent a couple hours in the car trying to get the decives to pair... tried to...
I went to every dealer in Atlanta when I got my baby in April of 2005. Best offer I got was $3000 over MSRP. Screw. That. I went online and...
These questions are all frequently addressed in this forum, and you can find more complete and helpful information simply by search the archives,...
I tried, with my G4 powerbook. Couldn't get them to pair. Tried for a few hours.
I use a car wash with spinning brushes. The kind where you drive up to the front, put the car in neutral, and it pushes you through the wash path...
Ah, good call. Thanks.
Speaking as a software developer, let me say that these arbitrary, functionality-killing limitations really piss me off. Developers that write...
My last car had over 2000 watts of amplification when you added it alll up. Now I am older and content with the stock JBL 45x4 + 150 sub = 330.
Damn. That is harsh. I did the same thing (briefly, just to test it before breaking it in of course ;) ), I would have been totally buzkilled...
Insurance companies already do this on their own in many states where it is allowed by law, including Georgia. Some even charge higher rates for...
In this case, it is a device that stops the hum from the hard drive noise in the iPod. This is arguably attributable to a problem with the iPod...
Vote, then. Or are you content to watch me suffer alone. ;)
Sell the 06's. Get lunch. Sell the 05's.
25, no grey hair just yet. I don't see anyone younger than myself in a Prius at home, but I definitely do when I travel to San Francisco.
Thanks Google.
I am curious, NuShrike, how you consider the study to be flawed?
For iPod interactivity with the MFD, see the AIC-100i.