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Wow! A coke bottle to the radiator? I have not herd about that one yet. I will feel guilty getting rid of the car as all parts for this car are...
No not yet but I will probably try it. Thanks for recommendation
Yes, I as using a after market gauge cluster that connects to the OBD2 port. So my gauge cluster only works when it wants to. It had a better...
Long story flew off the road got air and landed safely. Tire popped and bent the rim. I put on the doughnut and drove home with the steering wheel...
So got ran off road by oncoming truck going over 70 mph. (2 way lane road) I had no choice but to serve off road. I hit something and caught air...
So had the car for many years. It never occurred to me to change the fluid as the dealer said its lifetime. I just realized after many years that...
I put a used one in and so far lasted a couple years. I did get a code but the dash lights did not come back from last time. I payed a few hundred...
It is nearly always cheeper to replace engine. Dont get riped off by stealerships. If it is the head gasket you have to fix other problems first....
From the 12 volt battery not the hybrid pack!
Try removing the negative battery terminal for 20 min and plugging back in
289,000 miles. Overheats after 15 minutes of driving. Drove it like this for 15000 miles. Been this way for two years. Exhaust gases in cooling...