Separate names with a comma.
Why can't the dash still be fully lit even when the lights are on? It drive me nuts. I leave my headlights on all the time as DRL's.
To anybody who was not sure about hitting the P button to stop the car.... I went to an abandoned airfield (I'm a weenie like that) and drove my...
Go to Washington DC and have him marry his best (male) bestfriend. He just has to be sure to try to make his new husband the beneficiary in the...
The burden of proof is not on me. I am not the one making outlandish claims. I believe that a clown named Mr. BoJangles is behind the plot to...
Why is there 4 pages of comments on a non-existant matter? I can just as easily make a post about banning all vehicles with windshields because...
I had to edit the picture. I only need the drivers side end cap of the cowl.
I am looking for this part number and/or a place that has it in stock. It is the black piece cicled in the crash pic that sits forward of the...
Mcneil makes the floormats 100% in America.
I just got my tan mats package today and I immediately called up the company. The mats were maroon in color and not tan. The bad part is that...
EV mode is pretty useless unless you really really really really want to be stealth. Its better for MPG's in almost all circumstances to use the...
For this post I checked Yahoo autos. For your own purposes you can use my price of 22,050 before dmv fees and tax in nyc.
For arguments sake, I bought my Prius for $200 BELOW invoice.
I crashed my Prius a day after I got it. My windshield cracked in the crash and I am instructing the body shop to go ahead and mount the mirror as...
What happened to this forum.....
Brake feel has nothing to do with braking power....... Pressing the brakes earlier to come to a stop???? I smell a troll...
I live in a low to middle income area and my Prius is the only Prius I have seen for miles. My block has cars ranging from insanely expensive...
I thought the body shop damaged my car intentionally so they could get more money. I check to make sure at the shop, and it wasn't anymore damaged...
Stupid question. Prius drivers tend to be of a certain demographic. Let's say these Prius drivers also live in a specific area. Wouldn't...
I appreciate the input. Does the tan match up with the sides or carpet? I really just need to see it. As sad as it is, I don't even have my car...
I've read this entire thread and I can't find a single picture of the bisque interior with tan mats. As far as delivery goes, I already...