Separate names with a comma.
Any luck on your side ? Ours is up and running.
Fixed it by replacing fuse box and engine wiring harness that connect to all of the computers. Transmission ecu was not getting power and had high...
I know this is an old post. Any updates on the 1260 code/ can bus issues?
it’s an odd issue. I figure worst case replace the transmission. But the way I see it is that it’s either the part/computer/ or wiring. The fuse...
I just got a car that’s doing the same thing. Swapped all the computers with no luck. Was hoping it was just a fuse. I have a donor car so I could...
I know this is a late reply. But replacing the actuator fixed it. I think in some cases servicing the rear brakes might not fix the issue. But it...
I think I got it figured out. I made sure alignment was ok. Then in techstream there was a skid control code. Cleared it but it didn’t fix it. I...
Any update to this issue? I had a wrecked car. Drove fine with a bent control arm. Changed control arm and aligned it. Drove fine. Had some hub...
Did you ever figure this out ?
I know this is an old post. But if anyone has info on this code I’d appreciate it. It makes a loud knocking sound on the RL brake line when the...
Thank you for the reply. It’s a 2008 with 172k miles that I just bought. I have several of these cars. I own a multi meter and installed the...
Asking also if the issue was resolved ?
Does anyone have an answer to this one ? I have the same issue. Brand new Toyota battery. Drives fine when charged but now acting like it’s dead...
right The pdf write up someone posted on c1253/138 said abs motor relays, abs wire harness. Or abs pump itself. I swapped the relays and testing...
c1253 ended up being fuse linkage for me. Mtl Hihy put a super long detailed post on this thread linking a video. Replacing it is doable although...
drove a few hours for a parts car with 150k. Replaced the pump and resistor and it worked but still had code 1253. just finished replacing the...
That's the problem. These parts cars have been sitting. I did get the pump working by hitting it lightly with a hammer while humming - it...
Fair enough. So I take it your vote is that I've just been unlucky. Which is what I'm hoping for on this "tested" unit if it ships soon. My other...
I agree with others saying that it’s likely not a cap. Is there any reason air would be in the system?
I'd recommend recommend a Walker 16337 Cat from amazon. If you need a new manifold gasket get that from a Toyota dealer. Be careful with the...