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Alive and well
2016 prius fuel gauge wrong
I tried disconnecting the neg battery cable . that didn't work. the fuse panel by the drivers door does not say what fuse it is . I am looking...
ca not find the fuse. got a diagram but dosen't seem to be the one for a 2010 prius 3
had trouble getting back to this part. been a long while since on this site. now I know why. I will try that in the morning.
I can not eject or load cd's it say no disc found when it is full
yep, if your in my age group between 50 and death! you will love sirus station 15 which is called Studio 54!! yeah, disco!
i l0oked at the nozzels and the left one that sprays ok is exactly like the right one that sprays too low. I noticed the two dots on the -2 and...
thanks for the information. seems odd that i would have to purchase a new nozzel. i never really paid much attention to the spray until to got...
anyone know how to adjust the winsheild washer sprayer on the right side
how do i adjust the right windshield spray nozzel direction?