Separate names with a comma.
For a successful installation of a LiFePO4 battery, see: LiFePO4 batteries for 12V AUX?...
I'm not sure, but I quoted some web pages below. I listed the iOS devices and software because I've seen several threads with people asking about...
There are two types of diagnostic devices to consider, an SAE J2534 interface and an OBD-II reader. To use Toyota Techstream software, you need a...
Nice filter. But it's not Toyota / OEM. The company is called Genuine. So anything they make / sell is "Genuine". Cute. Genuine Hybrid...
There are two types of diagnostic devices to consider. To use Toyota Techstream software, you need a device called an SAE J2534 interface or...
I prefer the Toyota OEM battery also. But the New Prius Batteries (2k1Toaster) $1600 cylindrical battery kit does have other financial...
The following is taken mainly from 2016 - 2018 USA brochures. The models of recent hybrids that have NiMH battery modules and should work are:...
IF your battery tests bad and you are really strapped for cash, you might be able to get by with an AGM "Sport" battery. I don't recommend this,...
And that Amazon price is not really a bargain. Toyota list price for two gallons is $46.86. The Amazon link shows two gallons for $51.64. If...
I have edited and updated my post # 20. Please re-read it to get the answer, which is no. I'll repeat part of it here for emphasis. $105 for...
Walmart sells a BCI Group No. 51 size battery (51R has the wrong terminal placement, don't get that). EverStart Maxx Lead Acid Automotive...
Go to this list, post # 1, and scroll down to the section titled: "12V Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) battery, JIS...
Only by inference. The Zerex Red and Blue are the same except for the dye color. If Toyota is red and Honda is blue, and the same Zerex is...
Valvoline Zerex Asian Vehicle Antifreeze / Coolant "ZEREX™ Asian Vehicle has been designed to meet the requirements of Asian manufacturers, which...
I wondered about that too since the dollar amount is so high. I checked on their website Shipping & Delivery page and found this: "MEGAZIP IS...
Has anyone ordered from They ship parts from various countries (Japan, Singapore, USA, UAE, Russia) and the Toyota battery P/N...
Dealers can cut a new key from the VIN. You'll need proof of ownership such as registration and/or title along with your drivers license. The...
Here are examples of a few more D4R HID to LED replacements with a range of prices. Two have a current driver built-in to the molded backshell of...
You can get a Bosch 51-440BAGM 45Ah battery with a 4-Yr Replacement Warranty for $154 installed at Pep Boys (190 - 47 discount + 11 service...
Yes, the LiFePO4 batteries seem to be up to the task of the Prius 12V battery. For more success, see: LiFePO4 batteries for 12V AUX?...