Separate names with a comma.
Okay I sent the email off to the Service Manager at Toyota to thank him, and the mechanic, and to find out how they approached the installation.....
Avi, when you changed out the Skid Control ECU, did you have to remove the dash to get to it? The dealer didn't charge for more than an hour's...
Yes they did give me my ECU Skid Control back and it appeared to be in very nice condition actually. Didn't see any stains on it, but then again...
That is a great idea Sagebrush I am going to see if the Service Manager could tell me their name so I can ask that question.
Yes sagebrush I'm very lucky indeed! I have learned a lot about the Prius From this.
Big lesson learned in long ordeal I tell you what I would've never made it without the people on this forum! So now I'm going to have to write...
Hi everybody . I think the issue finally is resolved !! I recievedthe ECU part from California yesterday took it into the dealer and they got...
Looking at those production dates all I know is that months of 2004 but the dealer did tell me it would be the part ending in the 60 ... That is...
Well I'm not going to take A loaner because it's not going to get here from California until almost Monday . I like what sagebrush said I need...
$250 for the LD Wheel Sensor part and I guess 250 to put it on. So I know he is taking the 250 wheel sensor off as that isn't it, and putting my...
holy crap!! what to do! they will give me a car loaner for one day, i purchased the part out of CA but can't get through to them to have it...
I haven't seen the diagram as I'm rushing to find out the quickest way to get it because they have my car and it will only take them one more hour...
The new Toyota SM at this new location gave me the same part and said don't worry whether it has a buzzer or not replace the same part.
Okay I have the part number, I called the service manager from the 1st toyota shop and it is: 89540-47060 at $2058.59. and they had another part...
What is really hard for me to understand is this huge difference in prices between the fleabay ones at $40 bucks, and the camelback place Avi gave...
That is interesting sagebrush what you said about the buzzer and the prices! I did have a buzzer go off. I just called that original stealership...
That is a good idea. I absolutely should do this!
OIC thanks for explaining about the parts, and the S.M. etc. So my next question to you Avi, is this. If you were going to try to find this part...
oops that was AVI saying that! Connectors could be kicked by my foot?
why? Also should I call the dealer that originally told me it was the ECU? He should have the part number still.. remember he said it was an...