Separate names with a comma.
Here's a handy web site that will tell you if the connection problem is on your end or the PC site (first suggested by Bill Merchant, I believe)...
"Score 1 point for you," as if you were making a hash mark on a chalk board; usually done when a person makes a correct and/or clever response to...
I purchased XM units from both the PC Shop and Factory Interactive (long story). They were basically identical, with two exceptions; the PC Shop...
Ordered from the PriusChat Store less than a month ago for my 2005 Prius. Decided I could not use it at this time and attempted to cancel the...
Yup. Check this thread Nick
I wonder if the good Dr. Fusco might have some advice in this matter. Nick
Nice side-by-side comparison of XM and Sirius. Thanks. Nick
Very helpful. Thanks! Nick
OK...remember that I’m a guy who nearly got knocked on his fanny by an electrical shock while installing an extension phone. An electronics genius...
If you are referring to the Exact Fit covers, they are slotted to allow for the airbag. Nick
Can't help you with Cover King, but I do have a set of Exact Fit covers for the front seats - included covers for the headrests and the center...
Absolutely beautiful, Tom! Nick
Very helpful! Thank you, Bill. Nick
I guess I do tend to learn most things the hard way and this was no exception...:noidea: Nick
Although not really new to driving a Prius, a couple of months ago I somehow slipped the shifter into "B" instead of "D." I drove about 15...
Re: Exercize, Eat right ~ then go straignt to the Hospital Man...the stone's bad enough, but passing that quarter must have been a monumental...
Just found the kit on Amazon $31.21 plus about $6 shipping. Nick
Last September I was beginning to toy with the idea of replacing my 2001 Honda Passport SUV within the next year and I was seriously thinking...
I always lose around 2-3 mpg with E10. Nick
Here in Iowa (yeah...the corn state) E10 is subsidized via reduced gas tax - about $0.10 less per gallon than regular, but the mpg drop with E10...