Separate names with a comma.
If $250 is going to break the bank, perhaps the customer should not be dropping upwards of $30k on the car to begin with.
We have a Britax Boulevard installed in the rear facing position in the middle rear seat. It is installed via the latch system, and it works very...
I second this. I think the biggest breakthrough in hybrid technology to come next will not be a plug in battery pack, but rather a software based...
Fair enough.
You admit that GM doesn't presently make anything that competes with the Prius, and you essentially argue that it doesn't really matter, as the...
I have a Specialized Roubaix. It's light and fast, but has more relaxed geometry than a full-on race bike. It is very comfortable, has nice...
The 2006 does have the LATCH system, and I am currently using it.
I have a rear-facing Boulevard installed in the middle rear seat in our 2006. It is a rather large seat, but it does fit. If I slide the...
I am not referring to the political aspects of the money, but rather the inefficient engineering and production required to spend $10B in capital...
That is an absurd amount of cash. I honestly don't see how R & D can possibly cost that much for any car, let alone one that has already been...
Yeah, but what are you going to do when you get the urge to drive around naked? What then?
I have noticed minor issues when looking at the MFD in my 2006 when I am wearing polarized sunglasses, but never with the actual digital...
Told you so!!!111!! :flame: *speeds off in Hummer with tires squealing* /AFs
Not really. The ash is inconvenient, and can wreak havoc on electronics, airplanes, cars, etc., but we have not, and likely won't, receive...
Just as the snow is beginning to melt, it is replaced with ash. Redoubt ash dusts Anchorage, airport closed: Volcanoes |
I genuinely hope this is a game changer for Ford. I think they are small enough to react reasonably quickly to market pressures, and I am hopeful...
Re: Tesla unveils four-door electric sedan Yeah, I thought that was a rather odd feature. I suppose most mid to large size sedans can fit 10 or...
That's too bad. The Prius with studded tires combined with TRAC/VSC is basically a tank. That is an interesting legal situation you have in MI....
I think 'poor' has to be taken in context. Poor mileage for the Prius is still significantly better than any other non-hybrid, even in cases of...