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My 2012 Prius V is still running extremely well and with only 50,000 km on it.
2012 Prius V Owner
I originally wanted the Barcelona Red too, but the dark metallic blue is really nice. Shows the dirt a bit too much though. Loving the gas mileage!
I did it for the space. And the great gas mileage. Also, I didn't like the liftback because of the weird console between driver and passenger. The...
Hello and welcome. Hope you're enjoying your "v" as much as I enjoy mine. It's a great car, great mileage, and the v in versatility is an...
Have had my snow tires off for a couple of weeks now, had an oil change, and the weather is much warmer (not below freezing like it was all...
Welcome! I own a V as well, for nearly a year now, and loving it. This site is a great source of information and ideas. Enjoy your new V.
I'm getting 47 MPG on average (5.0 L/100 km for Canada). It has dropped a fair bit since summer but I think that's primarily due to the cold...
I'm noticing the same thing. I live in Canada and it's getting cold here. I'm not surprised by the decline in gas mileage since the engine is...
I live in Toronto, Ontario and I've only seen 3 or 4 since I bought mine back in July. Ironically, a co-worker bought one over the summer as well...
mistergreenwood, welcome to "club V". I'm sure you'll find you made the right choice. I think they're selling fast here in Ontario too. You will...
Thanks for the "cool" fact about PTC heaters in the Prius vehicles. I found a very detailed pdf file on the subject of PTC heaters in the Prius...
Me too. That little whirring noise has been a mystery for me too. Thanks for the facts!
Welcome to the land of new Prius v owners. Nice to see another Canuk here.LOL 5.1 L/100km? That sounds a little high. Are you doing more highway...
I am very happy with my "V". It has the power when you need it. The ride, I believe, is much smoother than the Corolla I previously owned....
Try an old toothbrush. Has always worked for me
Where did you get the body moldings? Does Toyota actually have them yet? I'm in Canada and my dealer said they don't have a 'parts number' for...
I've only had my Prius V for about a month now and have noticed this brake "chatter" problem twice. It happened to me again today. I was braking...
I'm a very new Prius V owner (took delivery on July 19th). I've only put about 275 km on the car to date. Mostly city driving with average speeds...
Just joined the Prius V club! I take delivery of my new "blue ribbon metallic" Prius V tomorrow! Looking forward to my new Prius adventure. (was a...