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Mounting on the left side of the outlet is required because that's the side the in-use opening is on, and because the right side may be more...
I tried that, but the location is tricky. The only possibility for it to mount where it is is to mount it vertically with the charger cable on top...
I have to attach it to brick. Does the Prime charger have two holes. I'm still using the charger from my PiP and it only has one hole. It's...
Other EVs I've purchased/used came with a metal holder to hold the "brick" part of the charger, but Toyota just wants you to hang it on a nail...
The title of that video ... I have to admit I rarely check the oil in my Toyotas because after 20 years of checking and finding it right where...
Do you have actual data to support that hybrid or electric vehicles are more dangerous to handicapped people than other vehicles? The study that...
I have a 2021 and when accelerating the VPNS doesn't stop until you reach 26 mph. When decelerating the VPNS resumes at 21 mph. To get it to stop...
I don't think it's related to mold or mildew since I cannot create the odor by manually cycling the compressor on and off. I will not spray...
I had a 2000 VW Jetta that did that to me while driving on the freeway. Luckily it regained power a couple of seconds later. It was a manual...
Mine only smells when the compressor has already been running for about 10-15 minutes. It lasts for about 1 minute and then goes away for another...
True HEPA requires removal of 99.97% of all particles 0.3 micron and larger. That product you are quoting is using deceptive language to make it...
I wonder how a mold or filter issue would only cause the smell while the A/C is running and not when it's manually turned off. Since I am not...
The funny thing about mechanical filters is that the dirtier they get, the better they work. The reason for replacing them is because they get...
Let me start off by saying this is NOT your standard musty smell from moisture in the evaporator coil. I know this because the smell does not...
My current use and utility rates put me around a 13 year payoff for solar. Investments with that long of a commitment before realizing returns are...
Your investments don't need to return 1.24% to break even. Your principal is declining every month on the loan, so their yield isn't 1.24% on the...
I can't bring myself to pay interest on a depreciating asset. Extending the period for which interest accrues is out of the question. At Toyota's...
Found this at Battery University: Seems like this is precisely what Toyota is doing.
There are a lot of the Model S driving around here. That's what I was talking about. Not so much a wealthy area, but a very high concentration of...
What the frack? My TCO of my 2018 PP commuting 400 miles per week in a 9-month period was: $165 for electricity $225 for gas $810 for insurance...