Separate names with a comma.
How many years is the extended warranty supposed to be, 6 years?
Are you sure that is the extended warranty you bought? It sounds like the prepaid maintenance plan.
I must be driving like crap. I am only getting 43 mpg. I am a newb, so I need to try some of these techniques.
I've never had my "Express" oil change take less than 1.5 hours on my 4Runner...
Sealants are synthetic, while waxes are generally natural (Carnauba), though many products labeled as "waxes" these days also contain synthetic...
Let me guess, the dealership is DCH?
Take it to Carmax and see what they would offer. KBB can be really high sometimes, and you might not get as much as you think.
Also applied some Klasse sealant to the car. Paint looks and feels great.
Where do you live?
I live in an apartment, so don't have access to a hose. Tried out Optimum No Rinse today and it worked out well. Used a single bucket with a grit...
Yes, that is correct. Will send you a PM.
Are you referring to the price I paid for the car or for the warranty?
Yep, and even if they did, who knows what they are using and what they did to prep (or the lack thereof) the car beforehand.
Glad you were able to get the car you wanted for a good price.
Interesting. I used the Meguiar's quick spray wax and had no problems on my black 4runner.
I had already ordered Klasse High Glaze Sealant, so am going to try that first to see how I like it. After that, I'll consider some of your...
I always see Prius drivers accelerating just as fast as everyone else. Next time I see a Prius driver plodding along, I'm gonna honk, roll down my...
I live in LA too. I disregard the gas savings and go into the red bar.
Any recommendations on a paint sealant to use?
It's not more prone really than any other car, but it is definitely good to protect the paint to keep it in good condition.