Separate names with a comma.
Is the Axe murderer murdering cans of Axe?
spinach quiche
Ha... no.. it must have "slipped" our ids.
Spread the wealth?
Didn't the guys who wore it have to fight off the women?
Pirate's booty
Re: Black or White? Cocktail (fruity) Toilet paper over or under
The previous poster thinks the poster before him is a boy. (but she's not - and SHE doesn't care for the color blue). :-)
If you don't have a charity of choice... please feel free to type in Owasso Public Schools - all funds go toward our Odyssey of the Mind teams. If...
Are there Haikus for Gentiles?
Re: Black or White? Eggnog (with some Southern Comfort) Classic Rock or Classical?
Wasn't John's book a book of Haiku's?
Okie - Thanks for the heads up on how to play. This game is making me think... which I don't like to do on weekends!!!! Here's my answer though:...
The previous poster was a medieval doctor in a previous life... thus explaining his fascination with leeches.
My students asked me about my "gay" car too... it comes from Jeff Dunham - the ventriloquist comedian. One of his dummies (Peanut) tells Jeff that...
Nissan ROGUE .... wanted to get off the "r" (haven't quite learned how to post pics here without a url) Hello back fellow Tulsa Prius owner...
No. The next poster has a tattoo.