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Hello there. Do you still have your Prius may i ask?
It will cost less in the end if zevski does not travels long distances.
Those used Prius C prices are too high, i got mine for $6,500 with 100,000 miles, keep looking because these prices are too high.
You are from Puerto Rico? that's nice, i'm from Puerto Rico too, it's weird to find another person from my country here. If you need any help with...
Hi there, my Prius C gave me the P0A80 code, in the Prius C there is a piece of metal that holds the back seats in place, it needs to be removed...
I would replace the sensor, i don't know if cleaning will help with this.
Any updates?
I see, thank you very much.
Someone knows the torque specs of the bolts that hold the hybrid battery to the car? i need to know before replacing my 2012 Prius C hybrid battery.
Could be the mirror motor maybe that stopped working.
If i'm right, as far as i know, there has been no reported cases of transaxle failure on the Toyota Prius C.
The thing that failed was the thermostat or the engine water pump? If you already replaced these as preventative maintenance, it's weird that one...
Well, now you know, if the overheat light comes on, turn the car off immediately.
Well if i want to charge a module i have to put the voltage limit to 8 volts correct? and charge voltage of 8.4v, but if i want to charge the...
I see. Also what do you mean with ''recharge modules in stages''? I think that charging at 8.4v might be a little bit too high don't you think?
So it will not overcharge it? how will the charger detect when the module is fully charged?
Any updates on this?
Hi there, i just got one of these chargers and i wanted to know what is the capacity limit that you put on the modules to charge them? i need to...