Separate names with a comma.
Haha, I thought about doing very, very light tint on the front, but decided against it. I'll probably end up just doing a strip of tint on the top.
Oh yeah. It's not bad at all for reversing. It's wonderful on the freeway. All those the bright lights (...guilty) don't even make me move my...
I had to add "Prius" as a contact....along with the rest of my rather colorful vocabulary. But yeah, dropping it has been in the back of my mind...
I was very satisfied with how they turned out. Basically, they just did limo all the way around, except, I had them put the limo directly over the...
Not much to say, but I went and did this: [IMG] Figured you guys would all love to flame about how I'm going to get pulled over....
I'd like a way to use my car as an oversized boom box without having the ICE turn on. I buy and sell cars for fun, and I'm often caught parking...
The fogs are not LEDs, they're 35w 6,000k HIDs from DDMTuning. The DRLs, however, ARE LEDs.
omg. Those are sexy. They're got a few more spokes than the TC rims, but same basic idea... Dammit. Now you've got me thinking.
Rustoleum from my local Home Depot. I just primered the shiza out of it. Once that dried, I painted it the colors I wanted. Once that dried,...
Yeah...I didn't like seeing them everywhere. =\
When I ordered some bulbs from China, they took about 23 days to arrive. One of them didn't last but 1 week.
When and where?
I would want something brighter than that, something as bright as the LED brake lights. Since I always have my headlights (HIDs) on, I'd like the...
O.o Good or bad?
I got sick of seeing TCs and their rims all over the Inland Empire, so I decided to do this: [IMG] Stock rim (with Scion centercap): [img]...
Wow, might have to get me some touring wheels. Haha.
By "removed plastic wheel covers," what exactly do you mean? The rims in your pictures aren't the factory alloys that are hidden under the plastic...
Yeah... I also have the '04 Package 9 which comes with the navigation and 9-speaker JBL system. I blew out the front two speakers in a matter of...
I don't much like chrome either.
Super late response, but no, those rims only come in 17". They are the stock Scion TC rims. I found a really good deal for the rims which also...