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My neighbor with a 2008 Prius with 169k miles is now having the same problem with car seeminglyvstarting for about 10 seconds the rough idling to...
Thanks guys. I actually unhooked the battery after a few no starts.
DTC...Diagnostic Trouble it.
Thanks again Patrick. I was referring to the 12v terminals above. The battery is brand new as is the fusible link. I neglected to mention the...
Thanks Patrick. I found one for $240 including shipping with a 6 month guarantee. Just a few clarifying questions concerning the HV battery,...
Thank you Patrick. That is what I thought. I hope there is nothing else lurking there as well. Time to source a refurb inverter.
First, i want to thank you, Patrick, and the other Prius gurus who have taught me so much about my hybrid gem. So a few questions about...
Rather ETCM...Electronic throttle control motor
Thanks for the respinse, Eric. Initially, it ran about 5-7 seconds. Then I plugged in an OBDII and got the code P2118 only which indicates...
Did you ever figure out this problem? Love to know because I am having the same problem after my Gen 2 Prius sat for many months unused.