Separate names with a comma.
Under the old battery and driving this route I would have to take the drive out of B numerous times because of the current dumps to MG1.
Here's what I was trying to get at I think :) The 72% of power transmitted to the ring gear via the planetary gear from the ICE is theoretical....
<strike>What direction does MG2 spin in relation to ICE when it is in d or b mode?</strike> Sorry, dyslexia :) What direction does MG1 spin in...
Power from the engine only goes to MG1... Power from MG2 goes to drivetrain and MG1 under some conditions that's about it.. Power from MG1 goes...
One other interesting note: You understand the transmission is in line right? well... MG2 in the ahead (forward) mode spins in the opposite...
Number is a relationship to one (1.) If you know anything about number you know that functions arise when you manipulate number (though theory...
somewhere there is misunderstanding... the PSD (power split device) is assumed to be named because of what? splitting power from MG2 to drive...
If you step voltage up you lose amperage (E=IR) there is a inherent relationship. so this refers to RPM X Torque... 33,000 ft lbs X 1 RPM =...
H.P. is torque over time... we refer to our vehicles in H.P. I watt = 3.14 BTU/hr = heat energy / time, 746 watts = 2, 342 BTU/hr, 1 gallon of...
the torque rating of an electric motor is calculated by current loops in the rotor and how that emf reacts with the stator throughout rotation....
That is correct but both E and I are interdependent! in every formula :) RPM X Torque doesn't equal anything I know of because there is no...
You would think the ECU would respond that way and it makes sense that it would but I don't know it's programming... Yes but nothing is...
Just got back from trip down the hill 21 mi. descending from 3800 ft to 1200 ft and not once did this system indicate the battery was fully...
state of things this morning...
techno farfegnugen
Looking more of less south east
I've got the new battery installed, did a short test run and now am gonna see if I can get some data :)
not the way I'm seeing it? P=IE Power is a current voltage relationship. You can bring up the potential of something to a very high degree but...
somehow an answer popped in my head, vanished and I think I have it now :) what causes MG1 to rotate is the pinion gears. They have to be...
I'm still trying to get it straight in my head because both MG2 and IGE work on the magnitude of MG1 (how much voltage it will generate.)