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Right!! Today I downloaded the prius 2010 manual. Thanks you!!
Thank you very much, but mi Prius is 2010. I cant find the abs relay. My car have the light on ( abs, brake, vcs, exclamation point) and a beep....
Anyboby have the pages of troubleshooting steps for c1253?
My Prius 2010 is doing the same. I found the 30A ABS-2 fuse, but where is the relay? Under it? Is not visible?
Somebody have a photo of the abs relay location under hood?
That information I have. I will try to replace it. Regards from Costa Rica!!
Do you put the acetone in the thank? How much acetone? .
Thanks, I will buy a virgin fob .
How I program a used key fob for a prius 2010? How Can get a seed code? Is possible just with a virgin key fob? I get the techstream program. I...
Thanks you, today I can did it
How I check the hv battery with the techstream program? The car would be in ready or in ig-on? Somebody can explain the procedure?