Separate names with a comma.
Look at it as how many pounds of food you have to feed to an animal to have it gain 1 pound. Some animals like chickens and channel catfish are...
I've been studying energy use in the food industry, and as part of that I plugged 1 day's worth of food into a spreadsheet that analyzes the...
Arctic Ozone Loss In 2011 Unprecedented - Science News According to this, the Arctic hole wasn't driven by CFC's. It was driven by sunlight, a...
Their final motorcycle in that episode was a modern one with all the available emissions-control technology. Even with their drag-reducing bubble,...
If you're going vegetarian in order to make more efficient use of the world's resources, yes!
How about a window that switches? Switchable Glazing Windows I've seen some in action before. Power-wise, they're like the screens of...
Re: Speed of Light Broken If the results hold up, it doesn't mean we throw relativity out the window. The neutrinos were found to be travelling...
Earlier, someone mentioned the idea of degrees of wrongness. The CERN results, if they're as accurate as they seem, would prove that the theory of...
This thread started out by suspending the scientific method to CONDEMN a relatively new theory, not advocate it. Saying "poppycock!" and pointing...
Mojo: "No amount of data can ever prove me wrong; a single statement by a guy who hasn't collected data can prove me right."
Followup to the atlas story: Times Atlas publishers apologise for 'incorrect' Greenland ice statement | Environment | The Guardian Here we see...
Sorry. I probably should have prefaced that with "Warning: I'm a cynical SOB." But basically, I just try to avoid lamenting problems that are...
Brains, yes. Principles, no. When times get tough, human nature is always "I'm sorry, but screw the rest of you - my family and I come first."...
I can't help but notice... not a single one of those links show a person who studies climate disagreeing with any other person who studies...
A few hundred years is all that the engineers involved in sustainable energy shoot for, anyway. 7 generations is the standard measure of...
These days, I believe every major company knows what they're getting into with China: lots of potential customers who would much rather buy a...
Did no one actually go and look at the Accumulated Cyclone Energy figures? Accumulated cyclone energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia While...
Touching on the oxygen question again - our atmosphere is currently 21% O2. Since burning carbon turns one C and one O2 into one CO2, and we're...
Any arrangement that gives you more solar power under sub-optimal conditions will give you less solar power under optimal conditions. That's just...
I highly doubt hybrids will make people better drivers if the results of the 2009 study hold true. Study: Hybrid Drivers Get More Tickets |...