Separate names with a comma.
Not sure I agree with the final paragraph. People seem to think that wind and solar are without environmental impact simply because they are...
I fully understand the Earth doesn't care - humans do. Perhaps tsunamis, earthquakes, AIDS are simply nature's way of dealing with the over...
Actually, moving from foreign crude to domestic crude or NG does quite a lot from an economic perspective. To the extent that the dollars spent on...
It seems to me that Pickens plan is really dealing with two issues, the outflow of US dollars for crude and the fact that crude is a finite...
My point was simply that your pompous statements regarding carbon in the atmosphere were simply wrong. With respect to your statement regarding...
As usual, simplistic science lessons tend to reflect on the ignorance of the professor. As for the crack we think we need to survive, well then I...
Folks, more oil drilling is an economic issue rather than an environmental one. More US production simply means that more of the US dollars spent...
As you will note I'm just one package away and the same year; however after 43K miles I'm just over 49 mpg average without any special driving...
Well, either it is satire or he is the energy policy advisor to the candidate who thinks we can solve the fuel supply issue by ensuring that our...
Actually, we take the Prius camping all the time. It is hauled on a dolly attached to the back of our 36' Monaco Diplomat! It is as great as a...
I'm really not sure of what your point is. Europeans were not thinking green in the 1200s or 1300s when people lived within walking distance of...
European road standards are significantly more stringent than those in the US, and have been since roads we first build for automobiles. There...
Yep - those of us with motorhomes that have 100 gal. tanks have been dealing with this for many years. I don't think I'll have to worry about it...
Actually, the most significant source of CO2 is human and animal respirations and the most significant source of methane is cow farts. If you...
Yep - global warming is the excuse to legislate every aspect of our lives and eliminate individual responsibility and freedom!
I have been towing my '06 on a Demco dolly behind the motorhome for two years - more than 10K miles with no problems. I think UHaul's dollys are...
Civil engineer here - primarily aviation but some highway and transit work as well.
1. 6' (195# and 34" inseam) 2, Male 3. No discomfort 4. No problem typically My only issue is that because of long arms (36" sleeve) I have...
Then it would cost me $180 to fill up the Highlander! That makes the $90 for the Prius a bit less unbearable. But then, we would be talking...
While I recently moved to Texas I spent the first 35K miles in SOUTH Florida. I set the interior temperature to 72 degrees and that is exactly...