Separate names with a comma.
Dang..Sorry to hear they were gone! Yes they do charge a dealer fee. I thought that was normal for all dealers so I did not mention. I am going to...
I have one thing to say....Good For You! That is a real sharp car. I am also 43 and have loved the Mustang forever. I have a 1977 Jeep CJ 5 and it...
WOW!!, I just read this thread and all I can say is WOW. if this is not a state of the union for America what is! It is impossible for us to have...
Man...I am still waiting for a white Touring and here one is in a y brother in law works for a decal company if your interested...
Hey Ya'll. I hope I have VERY good news for three of you! I just left My dealership to check on my prius on order status and they have 3 ON THE...
You know I am not I graduated there in '88 myself. I will have to ask someone. Those were too funny1
Do you think I should put out a general post concerning these available cars?
I was REAL tempted to take the Red one they had, but I knew I would regret it. It was a bad feeling after all this wait seeing one I could have...
I too am sooo tired of waiting..May 20th here. I am worried that they are going to try to raise the price even though I have a $1000 down payment....
You got me by a moth, I ordered my white touring #3 on May 20th. I read in the Prius Waiting List Support group yesterday where a guy turned down...
I am waiting for a package 3 in white, what is your dealers location?
I have been on the list since May 20th...lets see who has been on longest.
I feel pretty sure that the dealership he goes to next will give him the discount...The factory rep in his area will make sure of that.
I would contact Toyota and email them a scanned copy of your detailed bill. They have committed fraud and you should be reimbursed and they be...
Is the LG Dare compatible with the Bluetooth?
Has anyone tried The Verizon LG Rage to see if it is compatible with the Pkg #3 Bluetooth? Thinking of getting the phone but scared it will not...
$3.49 in Rock Hill,SC
IMHO it is a smart decision. Why waste money on advertising when you can't keep them in stock now. I also agree that it would cause problems with...
I got lucky. Harrelson Toyota in Rock Hill,SC offered free lifetime warranties on all cars in May when I ordered mine.They also had free tires for...