Separate names with a comma.
Yep. Our 2005 Prius had the same issue. Grinding noise from the front brakes, the caliper cylinders were absolutely shot on the inside, so the...
Thanks for the responses... The oil level may have dropped a fraction of an inch on the dipstick, from right under the top dimple to maybe a...
Finally an update: I kept checking the dipstick over 3,000 miles; F or just under the entire time. I changed early to get back on schedule and...
Yah, I'm definitely feeling a bit sheepish right now... probably shouldn't mention that I have a mechanical engineering degree. I've always...
Ok... thanks for the quick replies. I was listing the things that I did, and then answering myself as to the possible outcomes. It's interesting...
I changed the oil in my wife's 2004 Prius (172,000 mi)... and drained a quart of oil out of it. HORROR!!! Where did the other 2.9 quarts go? (not...
I'd like to be the first to point you to Hobbit's tutorial, although there's also links to how to do it on a number of different threads here,...
I'm gonna give you guys heart attacks... So ... our Prius, doesn't get cleaned all that often, maybe every other month, more when it's warmer....
Those are the exact same symptoms that our Prius was displaying just a few days ago. We'd had a few battery-dead experiences a few years ago, but...
Sounds like I could be getting into unknown waters if I'd tried this myself - never done a brake job entirely before, I remember a horrible...
Thanks for the condolences. I wish I'd been a little quicker - was going to do some of this tonight, we'd planned on taking it in for the steering...
well, I came online to do some research, after my wife called from the dealer and said the front rotors were too rusty to re-finish (could hear...
Interesting.... I've been having front end noise, but only occasionally, and more when turning. Was yours a constant noise, something repeatable...
Hah! as if! Manufacturers HAVE gotten a lot better with the coating methods and dipping, but no car is going to be sealed. At least they aren't...
Thanks for the advice. I have a can of white lithium grease spray (liquid wrench?) but it's about used up - I'll definitely look into the PB stuff...
So, our wonderful, efficient, sleek prius came to us used... well, more like drove hard and put up wet... and the Carfax indicates that in...
Curious about the "no gas" and "plug in" lettering on the back of your car - when pulling away from the gas station! Do you have one of the plug...
Poke around a bit, you'll find that there are plenty of very high mileage, very active users on this forum. I believe that at 173,000 you may be a...
On my 2004 I hold the ODO button while pressing the power button twice. Keep holding ODO button until the dashes in the mileage display disappear....
I just wanted to thank the users here for posting the original directions. I followed the set from the very first post with a key I bought from...