Separate names with a comma.
Different open door shutoff give interval long beep . This is after close door touch lock 5 beeps coming from engine bay
I only know he send a letter to our dealer hq demand for explanation
That true . We got another owner have to go tru lots of argue before service center personal finally give up and change the car whole alarm system...
At first our service center also can't find the problems . It happen that one of our group Prius c member have spoil his sensor while dismantled...
Malaysia . Ours is between c3-c4 spec but price higher than c4
My place Prius c all come with intruder alarm , few owner have this symptom replace the system till now no more 5 beep after lock U need to wait...
It 5 beep from engine bay . SimiliAr problem with my Prius c . Check ur cabin intruder sensor/alarm it the sensor malfunction . Problems solve by...
The dampers from Prius ours Prius c been taken out due to cost cutting .
[MEDIA] ATF oil change Prius c at 40k km
[IMG] First ecvt oil change [IMG] 12v battery refresh and recharge [IMG] Steering damper add on part from Prius plug and play [IMG] Mini hid...
Just insta hid good enough no need change projector . Our oem projector good for hid cut off is nice
Does Prius v 7 seated come with lithium ion pack ?
It use the tiny onboard switch to bound back the buttons which not have enough power to bounced it back , the yellow pad is just some foam padding...
Problem solved it the design ,after adding the yellow padding now no more sticky button defect[IMG]
Wrap leather steering[IMG]
We have Prius c club here Facebook so far only few have this symptom .
From Malaysia Asian side
Both are standard from manufacturer . Not everytimes it will beep . For my case it been several months didn't hear it just yesterday night heard...
Lol very funny , anyway thanks for help