Separate names with a comma.
Good idea to hold the base of it with a vice grip when you try to loosen up the bleed valve as its really really tight from the factory. You will...
Charged up probably means you used an auto parts store can. Waste of time. You probably have a leak. Look in the sight glass probably looks like a...
No. Not really. Just go on Craigslist and buy an old dell. $25. TS is a knockoff software so consider it riddled with malware too so just run TS...
Dr Prius is not the definitive test of the battery. And I can guarantee you at the least all the battery connections will be very corroded. Your...
The first time that battery died probably cooked it especially if it was killed by a light bulb. So it’s been bad ever since. Stop the 12 volt...
Your wasting your time, To do it right each module should be load tested to see how it performs under load as that’s how you find a weak cell or...
Jay Use the search forums link up top search hatch leak lots of posts on how to mitigate the cracks. Good Luck!
Wise move.
Your missing an important step in cleaning the hybrid cooling fan and that's checking that fan's plug for corrosion. All G2's leak rain water...
RTOD. $599 is your basic whack a mole repair there just installing same vintage cells that have just not failed yet. Basic tail light warranty....
That battery meter bouncing from full to empty is a real warning the hybrid battery is getting ready to go I'm afraid. 2004 is a very very old...
Pictures please....
Like Jaht has the Dealer battery is best and prices have come down shop around. Dealer probably has the freshest battery too based on sales....
There easy don't need a jack! And cop explains why painting your cat & etching vin will help: [MEDIA]
Start looking at the hybrid battery charge level. Probably in purple or even red in the am. No hybrid battery participation= no power. 2...
What did the trans fluid look like last year? And how much trans fluid did you put in? The G2 trans is probably the most bullet proof trans ever...
There have been reports of the brake power backup box failing and continually drawing current. And all battery measurements with the exception of...
lol...sorry I had NPR Tiny Desk music playing while I was typing. Bitch getting old lol....
yes I may not have the plus. last time I used them my dash lit up like crazy flying down the highway. I pulled coolant moving in the...
Yeah chains not that bad top ends not that bad. This is not a sludgy motor at all you really have to go out of your way to make sludge in this...