Separate names with a comma.
its doing great drives the same runs the same only put tires on it and had to do brakes the rotors got rusty but didn t wear out .also wiper...
just installed a jump plug under back seat to jump the 12v battery if it ever goes dead or somethings left on .my car came with no jumper post on...
Thanks everyone for the comments
yes $335 seems nuts considering its so small with very low cca
what model of that battery did you use
would something that i pluged in the 12volt cigerette lighter transfer enough current to start the traction battery .a dealer battery is 335 plus...
i checked canadian tire no battery for the prius c
12 volt battery replacement i have a 2012 prius c i purchased new it has 90,000km on it and was wondering if i should pro actively change the...
Whats concerns me most is this 3rd gen stories of oil consumption and then gasket failure .with the 4th gen there could other new problems .i like...
Thanks canada im concerned with anything with gen 3 with bad rings and head gaskets blowing but i like the 200h better
Thinking of buying a ct200 h or 4th gen just wondering if any major things break on these 2 cars .i like the lexus but seems like i read about...
its been over 75 when the ice has been starting it didn t do that last year ,it only started when air was on or the traction battery was low or...
still trying to see if other c owner ice motors come on everytime you drive your car.When the car was new and hot out about 70 i could drive away...
did you find the ice motor came on to much and too early with the low battery
the car was hit in the back rear bumper lots of damage ,no frame damage thou .Would i even hear the fan for the battery ?There was no blockage...
my 2012 c is not getting the milage it used to get ,is was in a accident and since dosen t seem to get the same milage .the ice motor seems to...
wow just drove this car in the snow its great 4+ inches even where the plow goes it goes right through .I thought i needed snow tires im thinking...
my summer car is a 2010 mx5 its alot noiser than the c and the stereo also sucks .I do agree with it being loud but its hard to sound deaden a...
any one running stud centric wheels on there prius c and has anyone had any problems doing this
i wouldn t install a aftermarket car starter to a complex car it is asking for problems plus the car will still burn the the same fuel, drive...