Separate names with a comma.
You mean nobody here remembers Ford Prefect, of A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? I think I'll go get a towel... Posted via the PriusChat...
Apparently you left it someplace where you don't lock the door. It would have beeped at you for forgetting to turn it off. Posted via the...
Public-private partnerships aren't such a wonderful idea, especially when it comes to building and maintaining new roads. Privatizing air...
I think you have to go to one of those really fancy-schmancy places where you have to make a reservation a year in advance, like Alinea in...
Uber used to require two humans, but they cut back to one. It was too expensive. .
Karoshi deaths have caused a lot of concern in Japan. Overwork-related disorders in Japan: recent trends and development of a national policy to...
Lyft drivers tend to be nicer people overall, insofar as I've used them, which isn't much. .
You might be able to say the same about armadillos in some parts of Texas, but I doubt there's enough of them left after they're hit to determine...
Thanks, Alan! Now I'm not getting blinded by headlights behind me anymore. And yes, I need to read the manual again. Posted via the PriusChat...
Karoshi is a Japanese word that means "worked to death". It's used when people die after working so hard at their companies, they die of stress,...
A coalition of safety advocates and consumer groups is warning senators — who are considering a bipartisan driverless-vehicle bill — that the...
I'm amazed Loyola has made it this far.I hope they don't choke like DePaul did! .
Wondering if it might be connected to known attacks. .
Almost seems like it could be DDOS on a small scale, wonder if the IP address(es) are traceable? .
Yeah, they hired Anthony Lewandowski, who had headed Google's self driving car project, and he had stolen 100's of GB of proprietary data from...
No worries, I got up at 4 am GMT-6 and haven't had any caffeine yet! [emoji16] .
The New York Times reported Uber's self-driving vehicles were struggling before the tragic crash. They were having trouble driving through...
Maybe I should have said "Toyota committed the sin of omission". I guess I should have used the /s tag. .
This is why women's clothing should have pockets. I, too, hate having to carry a purse. They lack function, unlike backpacks or messenger bags,...
I'm wondering if Wes Lutz is related to Bob Lutz. If so, I would take his opinion with a grain of salt. .