Separate names with a comma.
This is something that my wife and I have been contemplating a lot lately. When we got married we lived in a 600 sq ft duplex with 600 sq ft of...
I was just curious if you had something similar available. Like I said, the comments on the BBC article made no mention of them and seem to...
GrumpyCabbie: Are halogen bulbs like this available in the UK? [img] I ask because I was reading a BBC story about the upcoming ban and...
What would I have done? If I was an all powerful god and I needed to kill someone to make my point? I guess I would have killed Pharaoh. After...
I don't claim that Pharaoh was a good man. I have read the passage more than once. After some plagues the text says that Pharaoh hardens his...
So you contend that when God says to Moses:"Now these are the ordinances which you are to set before them".......... followed by a long list of...
Deuteronomy is the last speech Moses gave to the people before he died. It contains a recap of the journey out of Egypt and a very long recap of...
My understanding is that the God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament. In fact, I believe the Jesus described in the New...
Realistically I see the cars of 2025 being very similar to what we drive today. They will be mostly ICE but will use turbocharged 3 and 4...
Considering all the hoopla made recently about Islam and the Koran telling muslims to kill non-believers I thought this might be interesting:...
My first vehicle was a 1987 GMC Jimmy I purchased when I was 15. The rear main seal was leaking so the first thing we did was pull the engine and...
The Treasury sold their remaining Chrysler shares to Fiat in July making Fiat the majority shareholder with 53% ownership. Automakers have...
You are correct, I should have written 50-70 years after his birth. Wikipedia has a wide range of dates and authors ascribed to the writing...
It is generally believed that Mark was earliest of the synoptic gospels written (Mark, Mathew, and Luke). They are called the synoptic gospels...
It is widely accepted, even in religious cycles, that the gospels were not written by contemporaries of Jesus but beginning about 100 years after...
I hear that a lot. Christians claim to be under a new covenant and no longer bound by the old law. Then they pick and choose individual laws and...
Which 10 are those? I ask because their are literally hundreds of rules in the Old Testament. I curious why you would only keep 10 of them and...
I find that to be a huge contradiction. A bit like saying a race where one person runs a mile and other 100 miles is fair because it it is up to...
I am in the process of reading the through the bible. I have been troubled by the way the bible has been presented in the various Protestant...
The MP3 Hybrid has a top speed of 65 mph scooter and in the US it is registered as a motorcycle. It is not limited to low speed city use like a...