Separate names with a comma.
I'd keep it to. I really like the G2. Very distinctive auto! They call us Tree huger's, but I think that is a good label to have these days.Hal
Can you imagine how well the Jetta would be if it where designed for FE. Do they feel that is important to a hyper-miler's? So child like. Hal
Mine is a Garmin1490 and has a male voice . I can hear it better . When you have hi frequency hearing loss it is better to listen to a male voice! Hal
I use Garmin. I wonder about this company . We have roads and bridges that where built 15 years ago and other bridges removed. Guess where the...
Thanks for your report luck1. Ontario is not easy on cars especially winters and all the salt they dump on the roads. Hal
Be careful with this change! One day out for a look around I had the portable GPS cable touching the shift knob and the car went to neutral. I...
Well I guess that is why he can't hear it, but he could before the 12V change!!!!I never even notice location! Another 60's moment.. Hal
I believe the pump noise you are hearing is the pump that fills the thermos bottle. The 12v should have nothing to do with the pump noise! Hal
LED's are great for DRL! Hal
Would B mode not charge the pack faster? More regen in B mode? Hal
I would imagine you are running max. weight in your Prius considering there are four of you plus luggage. Those are good numbers considering the...
I would change the battery if it is reading 11.8V. Mine is always 12.4 + . If it drops below 12v its history. Charge it and see if it will help...
It is very easy! It tells you how to in your manual. Hal
timfox123: I would grab it. I think the Prius is probably one of the most reliable auto's out there. There is a thread on this site re. 300'000...
Does not matter what you do, a Prius or any car with a ICE will not heat up in 2.5 miles. Get yourself a EV car. I.E.Leaf, Volt or golf cart. Hal.
2.5 miles is a FE killer. Your Prius never gets to operating temp..Max fuel consumption. Walk as that is perfect exercise for the day? Hal
I think he is talking about a 12v battery? Hal
I would buy it in a heart beat. G11's rock. Hal
Probably you have warn the studs to the point that they are no help? I would check it out as studded Nokian are very close or are #1 traction...
62 miles is 100 kilometers , so 62%. H