Separate names with a comma.
Now all i need is a man who can love it as much as this old lady... LOL 2 days ago bought my son this:) [IMG]
What did it cost to repair???? Mine has 62K :(
Thank but after 71 cars in 10 years it too late, I love cars and that will never stop, I do the same with real estate ad its paid off well, I have...
here is the 08
LOL I bought a 04 mini and three weeks latter ordered a new 08 from oxford, I went thru that phase already, they are great cars but expesive to...
Why is it a big secret??/ LOL:focus:
The dealer offered me 10k plus i would get 600 in tax savings, but the car lot is great but has nothing i really love, I will pay cash for what...
Well I was selling my 04 62K mint Pri for 9K a very fair price as I can get 10,600 at a dealer, everyone who emails me want it for 7,500 and I am...
Pics or it didn't happen.....
Mine has been reset many times i use the banner below
try 303
46.00 a month full coverage, Statefarm
All cars need repairs, my BMW was in the shop all the time and it was a 06, I prayed for a 275.00 problem, mine were always well over 1K, you...
I have a 04 that i bought for under 10K its still has a warranty on the main Batt till 10/11 or another 40K miles, that helped me decide.
Not readable
Love your quote I remember that show :) use to watch it all the time :) that one was the best!
your 12V might be ready to go.....
Mine was 5.5 years I started having starnge issues with it not starting then I could not shut her down, as soon as i changed it all is back to...
we are only a click away glad you are safe:):rockon: