Separate names with a comma.
I could be totally wrong, but it still seems to me that air would be forced through the filter whether the engine is running or not.
I agree- I've been told the first filter underneath the cover is a charcoal pack. According to my manual, the air filter and cabin filter don't...
Seems kind of long. When have you guys done yours? I did my first @ 25k, when I first got a couple tanks of below 45mpg. As soon as I changed it,...
Not me, I went 410 miles on 7.8 gallons in the last two days. This smile is on for good.
If I were to use an Airlift, is it necessary to get the pump running?
:amen:, I agree!
PCV valve, and both engine and inverter coolant.
Hell, I just dropped my car off this morning to the body shop to get a scuff that is about the size of a Softball repainted on the front bumper....
They didn't make the Tempo in '75....
My data is, when its +45 Farenheit, I'm back to averaging 50+ MPG. When it was 57 degrees last week, I averaged 55+ for 200 miles. Even compared...
I got some run of the mill Anco blades from Wal-Mart, they were $5 for the passenger side, $6 for the driver side and work great.
I have the G019 Potenzas also, they made a big difference in handling. I Initially took a 3-4 mpg hit, but after 3-4k, that hit is all but gone.
Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Auto Racing Group ID# 21753 Group Password prius
After I changed to D6, I got the best single tank MPG I've ever had, over 62mpg. Since then, mileage is as good or better (as with the WS), don't...
I ran SSO Amsoil in my my Prius from 2k to 17k, and it did well, with a TBN of 4.1. There was 3% fuel contamination, but that has since trailed...
I've been using Redline D6 for 9,000 miles, no problems.
My issue was that I was driving at night, and the navigation was blinding me, couldn't figure out for the longest time how to get it off, other...