Separate names with a comma.
Ehhh I dun have those yet, might get em later, right now on the agenda- lift kit and rear shocks and new Moog springs, last time I replaced the...
Whatever it is it's broken see pictures Help terramirIMG_20220319_155219419_HDR by terramir posted Mar 19, 2022 at 3:59...
Behind shock
Behind rear shock
Not driving much, as for map lights I replaced all the bulbs with led's so there not gonna drain the battery, I make a point of going out and...
No this one was installed in 2021 the other one died in 2020 during the lockdowns, but it did go down to 8.3 V at one time for like a few weeks...
Warranty on the battery I purchased in 2019 full 4 year warranty :-) not some prorated crap terramir
My 12V Battery a warranty replacement is not charged properly by my Prius, from what I understand the Prius 12V battery is charged anytime the car...
True but the mech is not here anymore, I need to dig out my own compression kit and try it out can anyone tell me if I can check compression with...
No Cylinder 1 was the trouble maker with the misfire the nasty looking sparkplug, I wanted to know if I could be dealing with a shot engine blown...
Been having problems the engine been misfiring well the sparkplug on cylinder one looked really bad but that is where I had the misfire from the...
I need to change the Fuel Injectors, engine misfire already replaced the coils. But the Misfire is so bad on on the engine that I'm worried it's...
Yeah but I ruled out the ignition coil now at least for the issue now this weekend I am gonna replace the fuel injectors for ones I know are good...
I do not know should I post a new thread to distinguish between one misfire and the other?
Ok I swapped the generic coil for one of the old coils (not the one from cylinder #1) that one had white residue on it so I know which one that...
The coils are not denso, the mechanic told me that he had problems with anything but Denso, and the oil was only on top like spilling oil when...
I think both the connector and the rubber ring, P0301 is the error code
Yeah it is but one thing I noticed when I was replacing the original one it was contaminated with motor oil, maybe there was still some in the...
Ok 2004 Prius replaced the coils misfire left came back after 60 miles, before it was not as bad as it is now, question a mechanic told me unless...
Well besides all that unhelpful info, because yeah driving without a cat is a crime, anyone got any $.02 to put in about the hood detection or...