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Eels, each smartkey is unique once paired to a car. The proper way to delete smartkeys is to use Techstreams built in function to "erase all...
Gen1 modules are physically a little different than Gen2/3 modules (which are the same physically). Each style of module can be "made to fit" in...
1) You cannot tell visually if you have the correct key especially if it's a Chinese key. Some automotive locksmiths have scanners than can...
Did someone properly diagnose the car before ordering the battery? Maybe there was something else wrong with the car before? i.e. did the car...
At my shop I no longer sell refurbished or rebuilt packs for Gen1's. All the original 01-03 modules are pretty near end of life. Anyone trying...
Are you sure the chip key you got is a TypeC key? Not a D key? If it's the correct chip key the chicken dance procedure below should work. Try...
The key blade is only to open the drivers door when the battery inside the remote is dead or the cars 12V battery is dead. It is not needed to...
If you're sure the battery is good but the red LED doesn't light on the fob there are two possibilities. 1) the fob is toast, you broke it our...
For some people yes it's easy to remove the trunk lock cylinder. Not everybody has that ability that's why I mention going to the dealer with...
I don't think I've ever seen a Gen1 blow a head gasket. The radiators are usually what leaks. Check for leakage on the radiator and/or have...
As of Dec 2017 I have a few Gen1 immobilizer ECU's with a matching master key for $180 shipped. If you can get a key made that will turn in your...
It depends on your situation. If you have a master key (black head, security light goes out immediately when you insert key) and it's not too...
As I mention in the video, if you only have a valet key take your VIN and proof of ownership to dealer and ask them to cut a "plain silver key to...
You have to rewire part of the wiring harness to mate with an H4 bulb connector and swap the HID housings (complete headlamp assembly) for Halogen...
The 2001, 2002, and 2003 Prius is a royal PITA if you lose your last key that can start the car. Many dealers quote over $1000 (plus a tow) to...
Nowadays (Oct 2017) I recommend people in Colorado just buy a Prius Prime. You can get a $28k Prime in some places (NJ/CT/NY) for $24.5k. You...
Great suggestions, thanks!
Possibly. The valet key has a different chip and a different cut, and is supposed to be gray instead of black. When you insert a master key...
EVIN PINTO, if you have the immobilizer box and paired master key from a Gen1 you can transfer it to any other gen1. However, the first time...
Original (2001-2003 build date) Gen1 modules are all pretty much garbage or soon will be garbage. If you like the car, best option is new gen1...