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I’m not trolling it’s so crazy even my mechanic didn’t believe it .. the abs problem had no connection with the pump inverter ... but I did tow...
my mechanic did the cylinders check where he inserts this gauge and gives him the power torque of the engine,,, Cylinder 1 2 3 were fine but 4 was...
Yes it did
I have fixed it ,. I had a short in the dashboard Also my pump inverter got burnt from the result of the short
Hello .. I was driving home and all of the sudden the brake and abs lights came on .. I was able to brake fine as usual and then I decided to take...
No they didn’t help me solve the problem
my Prius was running then stopped all of the sudden ... dashboard is completely off now when I try to turn in on .. the windows don’t work but the...
I have no idea .. you can be right .. I was suspecting a short somewhere
I was driving and all of the sudden the Prius shut off .. the dashboard is completely off .. I checked the battery , it isn’t the battery it isn’t...
Thank you
The last time that my 2006 Toyota Prius had a transmission oil change when it had 87,000 miles , now I have 205,000 miles and I didn’t change the...
Thank you ... is it hard to remove the dashboard ? I couldn’t find videos online .. how long will it take ?
hello , I have a 2006 Prius and I accidentally scratched the dashboard plastic .. is there any way to fix it or hide it ? Any suggestions will...
Lol it seems so
You were right
Thank you everyone for your input , the solution to my problem was replacing the v12 battery .. it took care of the problem . God bless
Thank you .. it was it .. the problem is fixed
Other phone companies have this service as well I believe , atnt n Verizon ... it could be the malfunctioning alarm .. It is OEM , in that case I...