Separate names with a comma.
Thank you, hptsang, for your very positive reply - and good luck with your project. :) Jim
Exactly. My version 8.1 works just fine for the places I go, so it'll be several years before I upgrade. The only reason I would want a newer...
Your question shows that your electrical knowledge is pretty sparse, and that means such a DIY project could very well end up being an expensive...
Hi Jayvee: Yes, keeping a thread focused is a good idea. The trouble is, people have a variety of opinions as to what the focus should be, and...
Not sure about my Prius, but my 1988 VW Cabriolet runs at about 3500 RPM at 70 MPH.
Thank you all for your responses. So it looks like there is no sure way to know if the ICE is "really off". Perhaps I could install a small...
How can I tell when the internal combustion engine (ICE) is really off while the vehicle is under way? By "really off", I mean when it is not...
Well, the hope by users who unfavorably compare the Prius NAV system to a portable Garmin or portable Tom Tom is that Toyota (they read these...
Wow! That rendition sits way too low. It couldn't go over speed bumps or even get from my driveway to the street without getting stuck. :rolleyes:
Hi Mark: I think you have it pretty much figured out. Too bad there are so many closed minds about new ideas and new technology. Thinking does...
Hi Gadgetdad: Thanks to post 301 from Hawkmoon77, getting through the firewall was easy. See image # 8. Jim P.S. Well, easy - sort of. My...
Mine never does that. Either the sunlight is somehow getting to it excessively, or you have an electrical problem. Could be a serious fire hazard....
With USB, I can transfer files of any type from my laptop to my desktop computer, transfer files from my desktop hard drive to an external backup...
As far as I can tell, there are only 3 modes: EV, ECO, and Power. What is "Normal" mode?
One look under the Prius will show that undercoating would be a disaster. Why? The bottom of the prius is enclosed with a bunch of panels held in...
Hi Dave: Regarding your RAV4EV comments, I agree 100 percent. Very few, except those living in California, were even aware that commercially...
I have accumulated a nice library of music CDs over a long period of time, and friends keep giving me new ones almost every month (all purchased...
I agree. It doesn't make any sense. With AM, FM, and multiple CD disks already in my Prius- what good is XM? I occasionally listen to it (my 3...
My Foglights Schematic
My Foglight Switch 001