Separate names with a comma.
That's a pretty naieve statement. Assuming you actually have that solar system, it still won't prevent you from having to eat the consequences of...
Like what? Sorry, but I'm a bore when I'm at home.
Sorry, but the mileage on that thing simply sucks. I can easily touch 40 mpg in my FEH. The Honda Insight will walk all over that, uhhhh,...
IMO, those who feel the need to plaster such labels on certain cars are of two crowds, the neantertals that cannot come up with any other...
Well, I already voted with my wallet. The FEH is what I wanted two years ago, when I had to dump the VUE. Ford had delayed the vehicles launch...
Yeah, some people need to quit trying to turn every little thing into a political rant. I'm surprised that the picnic thing didn't go over well....
I tracked it throughout the time I had my '03. For the FEH, I've even added to the spreadsheet to include the price per gallon to fill the tank,...
I like heading out to the back part of my property, setting up my targets, and then releasing stress with my .22 rifle and my black powder pistol....
MMMmmmmmm...... Sliders!!!! :D
It's probably powered by one of their tiny little TDI engines.
I wouldn't go that far. People do have them, and all you have do to is go look at the regional forums elsewhere here to see this. My...
Well, the meet is over. Unfortunately only one other person showed up, and they were from the Greenhybrid forum. That's too bad, as it was a...
You are absolutely doing the right thing. Kudos to you for being one of the rapidly shrinking minority of people who dare to instill values and...
Moved to FHOP.
Hopefully, you'll be able to make the next gathering. As for the others who may be planning to come, Tomorrows the day, and I'll be there around...
After nearly 23 months of owning a hybrid, I've had my first "close call" with a pedestrian. A couple of co workers and myself were heading back...
I think you did the right thing to walk. Call around, and find a dealer that isn't attempting to commit fraud and gouge on the price of the car....
Just a reminder that the DFW Hybrid meet is still on, just 8 days away at the Sonic in Grapevine. A map with address was posted in an eariler...
Yes, the meet is on. There has been enough interest generated in both boards to keep it intact. The date is 10.29/05 from ~ 12:00 to ~15:30,...
The address for the Sonic is: 201 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 (817) 481-2711 I figure on being there from Noon to 3:30. There...