Separate names with a comma.
That would be a dream, if the Prius can regenerate Gas from the 'captured' energy.....LOL!
I wonder if Prius ICE is using the 'open-end' type of spark-plug (like those in Bosch Platinum 2+ or 4+) where its ground electrodes are not...
What's the recommended 'shock/strut' to go with the B&G springs (other than OEM)? The dampening rate of the stock strut maybe too soft for these...
Toyota is doing a good job on hiding these 'technical' info from the regular owners, which maybe account 98% of the Prius public. Prius is...
Go to and they have excellent info on what the 'right' tires for you to upsize your Prius to 17" wheels.
I saw that, interesting find. Thanks V!
Beauty maybe only skin deep, but first impression also counts the most. No matter how 'great' the THS, EMS or whatever technology of then hybrid...
The hybrid-landscape is still pretty shallow and have lots of room to expand. The battery technology can only handle so much, regardless of how...
That's what I think so too, esp most of the 'minor' Prius crash stories we heard here were all end-up the car being totaled. Not sure if the...
Excellent mod, did you DIY for the swap? Still got the seller ID so I can search one too? :D
The LEDs in new Audis may seem cool, but I didn't find its look appealing (maybe due to its 'wave' formation like an eye-bag). And drilling the...
Yea, like the BT plate....guess 17 ft-lb can be used on this similar G7 too.
What's the torque spec for the hex screws used on this G7 plate?
Looks very easy to do steering wheel swapping on our Prius? Is it easy to take out the airbag module on the steering, where to start?
Any chance from the Walmart Security Camera? It will be slim from the far side spot, but not hurt to ask. You should file a Police report for...
But still....what an 'incredible' story. It's another proof that your car is NEVER SAFE, even with the dealer. Our Prius' stock 12V don't have...
Sorry to hear you'll need to pay for another EBH. But yea, sometimes it's wise to be not 'blind-testing' using a lighted match to...
This Brake Stutter thing doesn't annoy me, and my 08 also has this behavior......only in some occasions or when the planets are aligned. It's...
I still instinctively go to the stations which provide free-air access, though I rarely use their 'free' pumps too. But whenever someone asked me...
Yes, and we have been telling you. But finally, you got it.... :)