Separate names with a comma.
When looking for a Prius, I had my sights on a "touring edition" because it had bigger wheels (16") as opposed to the "regular" Prius (15"). The...
One of the problems with the infamous 2010 model was, as the electric water pump aged, it got slower. With no temp gauge, you never knew it and it...
How come you don't throw it away?
A few months a go I replaced my ABS Actuator. Since it cost so much, I had a hard time throwing my old one away. I thought about taking it...
I’ve seen so many treads on the oil burning issue on our Gen 2 Prius. I thought Toyota screwed up somewhere, maybe the low tension rings, or some...
I was surprised at the stated weight limit in my manual. I can only have three adults or two adults and three little kids or I'm over the weight...
I never had problems with my gas before. I filled up (about 9 gallons), went on a trip, filled up to come home (about 9 gallons). No problems. I...
I was reading in my manual today and caught a page I didn't notice before. It says they burn most oil when using the re-gen feature. I'm posting...
I have a "Touring Edition" Prius. Can't believe I don't have factory DRL (daytime running lights). Who would think of having all the stuff we...
I am looking to order a new brake actuator online. One site that comes up is a place called, They have an actuator for...
In case someone else has a problem reading without any breaks at all. Here is a translation; No I don't I know that the '04 and '05 is a few...
Don't want to get to far off subject with an explanation, but the dealer lists a Prius Brake Actuator as a 2004-2009. Toyota parts online lists...
I have a 150,000 on mine. I can't imagine what it will be like at 250,000? Put oil in every trip to the store?
I had a maniac hook up his computer to my car to check the brake actuator. We could see the pressure drop in the actuator. It was like, 4.0, 3.7,...
My amber lights (not turn signals) up front, one doesn't work. If i hit the light with my fist, it comes on. Mostly off until I hit it.
I was sitting in a park listenin to the radio and wanted to check my 12V level. I pushed some buttons on the MFS and it showed codes. LAN...
I just meet a new friend. Found out her dad is a "mobile Mechanic". I asked him if he had Toyota Tech-stream software. He said no, but he has...
As we know, these cars burn oil after you get high miles. Mine, when it's at the full line, it burns it quite fast. When it gets to 3/4 low (1/4...
Low Actuator Pressure.
I'm the guy who put new brake pads on front one night and the next morning had the bad actuator lights come on (BRAKE, (!) ABS and I think one...